Universitat de Barcelona

Since it was founded in 1450, the University of Barcelona (www.ub.edu) has become a benchmark institution for teaching, scientific research and knowledge creation in Spain and abroad, being ranked in the world’s 200 top universities (Shanghai Ranking). The UB is member of League of European Research Universities (LERU) and it has HRS4R accreditation of the European Commission. Rearch activities are conducted in its sixteen faculties, in nearly three hundred research groups and seventeen institutes, four of which have been accredited as Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Knowledge transfer is another fundamental focus of action, with first-rate infrastructures like the Science and Technology Centres, the Barcelona Science Park or the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.

The UB team

Iris, Anna and Àfrica are members of the Grup de Recerca Conservació-Restauració del Patrimoni, a research group recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia). The main goal of the group is the study, documentation, characterization and identification of materials, techniques, pathologies and conservation-restoration procedures for Cultural Heritage assets.

The role of the UB team in ENCLOSURE will be to prepare the mock-ups of wall painting and canvas paintings (degraded organics), study their characteristics before and after testing the developed materials, and also contribute to the testing of the developed materials.

Anna Nualart-Torroja

Anna Nualart-Torroja

Senior Lecturer
Deptartment of Arts and Conservation-Restoration
Faculty of Fine Arts
Universitat de Barcelona

Iris Bautista Morenilla

Iris Bautista Morenilla

Department of Arts and Conservation
Universitat de Barcelona

Àfrica Pitarch Martí

Àfrica Pitarch Martí

Serra Hunter tenure-eligible lecturer
Department of Arts, Conservation and Restoration
Faculty of Fine Arts
University of Barcelona
IAUB - Institut d’Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona

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