“Eco-design of NanoCeLlulOse-based Solutions for cUltuRal hEritage conservation: materials development, validation, and life cycle assessment"
Grant TED2021-129299A-I00 funded by

Jan Dariusz Cutajar, UiO, CHANGE-ITN funded by the EU’s H2020 programme under the MSCA grant agreement no. 813789

ENCLOSURE will provide holistic solutions for respectful cultural heritage conservation through the testing and validation and eco-design of environmentally sustainable nature-based materials that adhere to Circular Economy concepts. The economic aspect of the final products will be also considered towards transference to conservation professionals.
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We present the first publication of ENCLOSURE project
For the validation of the effectiveness and innocuousness of cleaning products and solutions, a proper analytical methodology is required. Non-invasive...
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ENCLOSURE will be present at the “Jornadas de Investigadores Júnior en Patrimonio”, National Archaeological Museum (Madrid, Spain), 2-3 March
The youngest member of ENCLOSURE, Martina Romani, will present the ability of our materials to desalinate chlorides in cinnabar-containing wall...
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